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Just the poop mam...just the poop...

I've decided that since Vivian will be 3 soon, it's time for ME to shit or get off the pot about her potty training. All of my efforts have been half-assed, and she kinda argues to have a diaper on. She CAN go potty, she knows when she has to pee/poop, etc, and will do it IF bribed appropriately.

But these things are NOT consistant, and I'm tired of changed diapers on a child who is no longer a baby.

So I need some REAL advice. Should I just stick her in panties/let her run naked? What should I expect the "nekidness" to accomplish? Cause she'll just pee whereever she is. She'll make a mess, and not care, even in panties.

Am I rushing this? Or is she playing me?

I would REALLY like some useful advice here, because I feel like she's so "immature" compared to other kids not being trained yet (and I know, all kids are different, but since I know she CAN and WILL do it....)

Do I just sit her on the toilet at intervals? Will that work? What about when you're out in public?

ARGH! I'm smarter than this kids bowels you'd think!

I waited until mine was 3 as well, and we had some big-time resistance. I finally got fed up with the man-sized poops I was having to clean up.
We went the way of bribery, we sat on my bed for about 3 days, watching movies over and over, doing whatever he wanted to do. Every time he peed in the potty he got 1 juciy-juice box. Every time he pooped he got 2 juicy-juice boxes and some M&Ms. I know not everyone likes/approves of that method, but he learned completely in under a week and has never had any accidents-not even at night. We also used a big toilet, not a little potty- I wouldn't train on that unless you will be O.K. with emptying the blasted thing for many more months thereafter. We got a seat that sits on the toilet and a stool. Good luck to you- diaper freedom RULES!

Thanks man-I tihnk this will be the way to go. I've never been adverse to bribery, really, I just wanted to try the other ways. However, it's apparent that this child doesn't give a sweet crap about the other ways.

She also hated the potty, and sits on the toilet most of the time. It might be a matter of developing a routine...thanks for the advice!

Have the diaper fairy visit.

We tried EVERYTHING. Seriously. Birbery, going naked, food, going ever 20 minutes...EVERYTHING.

Of course it wasnt ME who trained her, it was her pediatrition.


I even posted about it:

Like a freaking dream man...

I don't have children, but a co-worker recently potty-trained her 2-year-old.

She said they just made a huge "celebration" out of it every time the kiddo went to the bathroom, and also had a special "potty" song to sing.

Worked like a charm!

We bribed with stickers with Elcie and to some extent with Rochelle. By then they were both in pullups, not diapers.

It worked. Except that Rochelle didn't stay dry at night until she was 7 or 8. We had her checked and then stopped worrying about it. Just kept her in a pullup at night. She was fine during the day - Eventually she got it. She was just too sound a sleeper.

Best believe that I'm gonna be reading the comments section on this. I need to know this stuff for the future. ;)

Good luck!

This has gotta be a tough one. You could argue that when your kids are ready, they'll just do it. You can try keeping the nappy off, and see how she reacts but it sounds like you've done that and she's just not ready yet. Praise always plays a big part. Our eldest son, who's nearly 10 still wear's a nappy to bed, but he's got intellectual disability. That's just as frustrating as what you're going through at the moment!

Well, this morning I tried the "check off the chart, at the end you get a new backyardigans toy or book, and a small treat everytime you go potty"

Within 30 mins, she had gone through 2 pair of princess panties.

IS that normal for right at the beginning? Am I expecting to little mess? Or am I maybe rushing her?
From most stories, it seems that every kid has their own 'time", regardless of what people do.

Sigh.....if this lasts for much longer....

Yes that's normal. Plus don't forget to tell her that when the princesses (on her panties) get wet they cry!LOL!
We used M&M's by the way!

New to your blog, just had to post cause we just just finished potty training my daughter.

Use something that gives her immediate gratification at first. Like a fist full of M&M's every time she goes. A big reward is cool in the long run, but there has to be an immediate reward for them to get the idea!!

Chocolate has been the key for us. We give M&M's or a hershey kiss or whatever other chocolate we have to offer. She loves it. Could care less about the sticker chart and the bigger, long-term rewards. Whatever, as long as it means I am done changing diapers!!

God, I am so not looking forward to this.

Good luck.

Thanks L-we're trying a little harder now, and Vivian seems more interested today. No accidents yet this morning!

Mama-chocolate is the way to her heart as well-I need to go back to the candy store for her favorites however.

And Missy, I'm so NOT digging this. This is the ONE thing I've always been NOT looking forward to. Being excited about someone taking a dump isn't my idea of a good time.

Thanks L-we're trying a little harder now, and Vivian seems more interested today. No accidents yet this morning!

Mama-chocolate is the way to her heart as well-I need to go back to the candy store for her favorites however.

And Missy, I'm so NOT digging this. This is the ONE thing I've always been NOT looking forward to. Being excited about someone taking a dump isn't my idea of a good time.

If the stickers hadn't worked, I would have moved directly to M&M's or Skittles.

I got lucky.

my child has a sweet tooth and it was easy to teach him to toilet-train him so long as he gets his favorite M&M, chocolates or sweets.

It took slightly more than two weeks before it became habitual for him to go to the bathroom on his own.

However, he still wets himself at night and that is what we are working on now.

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