OOH! Even more personal details!
Another one...are these the new plague of the internet? No, wait, that would be the Micheal Jackson verdict. (as an aside, it was amusing to watch blogs yesterday and see how many posted the verdict and an opinion immediately after...)
Five things I miss about my childhood.
Five things I miss about my childhood.
- New School supplies. I can't imagine I'm the only one who is fond of the smell of new pencil crayons in the nostalgic way. It reminds me of the possibilities that used to stretch in front of me each September, and the structured way each school year went. Sometimes I miss that sense of familiarity.
- MUD. I used to stick my feet in the best sticky warm mud in my backyard, until it bled up through my toes. I'd sit there in bliss, as there is nothing better than warm mud surrounding your feet on a Saturday morning when you have absolutely nothing to do.
- Days that never ended. DO you remember how the days stretched out in front of you like a prairie highway? Getting up in the morning in the summer was always followed, in my head, by "what will I do all day"?
- Porch lights. For my mother, the porch light was the signal for "get home now before I have to come find you." It was so simple-two flicks of the light, and you need to come home. I remember how that porch light glowed off the snow at the back of the house.
- My mother. Mostly, I miss my mommy, who I onl had for my childhood. I miss drinking the remnants of her tea (TONS of milk and sugar), I miss reading the sears catalogue with her, I even miss going to the hospital with her while she had her chemo treatments. I miss the little girl I was with my mommy, and the beautiful existance she created for me, despite everything.
Apparently, these are the rules: Remove the #1 item from the following list, move everyone up one spot, add your name to #5. You should link to each of the blogs for this to be effective.
Then choose 4 victims:
Nat @ her site: Honey Nat Cheerios (or whatever it's titled today)
MEGABRAD, the evil mad scientist.
Karen at karentertainment
ATOM at Fairy tale no More
i feel like an underprivilidged kid; i never experienced mud :(
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:45 p.m.
mud ROCKS! When it's warm, go find a mud puddle and stick your feet in. It's so zen...
Posted by
thordora |
8:50 a.m.