I'm sick...
AGAIN. The worst part about kids is they are portable biowarfare units. I can't swallow, can't cough since it feels like razors up my throat, and generally feel like crap. AND I have some deadlines, so I HAVE to work today, even at home...
questions answered tonight or tomorrow, whenever I DO NOT feel like death.
questions answered tonight or tomorrow, whenever I DO NOT feel like death.
You just described my entire Monday, Thordora. It started with searing sinus pain, followed by a sore throat, medicine head and wooziness. Now I've got this splitting headache that refuses to go away. Uggity ugh!
Hope we both feel better.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:38 p.m.
i empathize with you... *hug*... achoo!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:05 a.m.
I quit working fulltime as a social worker because I didn't have enough damn sick time to recover from all the damned diseases they pick up at daycare! I am thankful that the other half has a good paying job so that I can take care of our minion with out dying of mono.
Posted by
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