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Monday Bloody Monday

It's pissing rain, I'm bleeding so much that I feel faint and I'm pale (which is saying something for me). And it's cold. AND it's a Monday.

BUT the Dorf just went to the store to get me some chocolate, which I've been craving for 3 days like MAD.

That's love isn't it? Riding in the cold rain to get your wife some cramps killing chocolate.

I'm also surfing the crimson wave. Have you tried Ben & JErry's Black & Tan yet? It's a chocolate + stout cream ale flavored ice cream. It's not beer-y, just smooth. Or Dublin Mudslide? It's the best for This Special Time. Coffee, chocolate, Irish whiskey.

I might be able to live without chocolate but why would I want to?

Not love. Fear.

I got me some Breyer's Chocolate ice cream....cost an arm and a leg at the corner store, but the boy still went and got it for me...

And Simon, you might be on to something there...

Wow, pissing rain and bleeding are some POWERFUL images. Then you throw chocolate in there and it's a total package!

I hope you're feeling better by now (I know I'm late)...

that IS love.

dublin mudslide sounds devine though never heard of it.

I only wish I COULD surf the waves again....it's been 4 mos. and 2 negative tests later.... :(

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