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I'm hoping to get to some posts today (no poetry though Herge-it's all at home) but I'm SWAMPED.

I do want to thank everyone for their comments lately. It's been very cool.

And I have a question to occupy your imaginations...is a bite mark considered a hickey, or a bruise? When is a hickey NOT a hickey?

God I hate hickeys...I even hate the word.

Wish me luck. I HATE Mondays.

We used to call them fuck badges when I was at school. Which is even less charming.

Hahaha! Fuck Badges! Yeah, I think that's a better word, actually.
Oh, and it's NOT a hickey when you give it to yourself with the vacuum cleaner. Hahahaha!!!!
Oh, but it's MAYBE a hickey if SOMEONE ELSE gives it to you with a vacuum cleaner.

Also, none of the above should be confused with ACTUALLY vacuuming.
Also, please no references to my skull and a vacuum. Or is it vacuume?

Going back to the question, are we talking about a human bite mark or from an insect?

Human. VERY much human....although considering that one of the names he records under is Static INsect, I'm not so sure....

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