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Being a girl rocks!

Um...not...how I hated that marketing campaign... no, my period has just made a resounding return after 11 glorious period free months. That's the best part of pregnancy I swear. I knew it was coming-I've been both excessively horny and weepy the last few days-always a good sign that it's about to make an appearance. Hopefully it fucks off by Wednesday, or it will put a severe crimp in the plans we've made for the husbands return. Not that we haven't fucked through blood before, but it puts a crimp in some of the stranger plans I suppose.

I've been really trying to come to grips with my personal kinks lately. Let's just say I like to be bossed around and leave it at. That's as polite as I can get with at. It's just been hard to really come to terms with some of the more violent or degrading aspects of my desires, especially as the educated, "semi-feminist" that I consider myself to be. And actually expressing and communicating the details to my other, that's been really hard.

I also spend half my time thinking about people I work with, or see on the street, and I wonder if they have their own little kinks, or who's really vanilla in bed. It's like trying to figure out who wears boxers vs briefs.

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