I stand by my original figure of 6, but who knows really. ALl I know is that the nassty green on the bottom seeped into the wood, so I'm hoping that it will not bleed thru when I prime it.
I got all of ONE side of the door frame done. And that took about 2 hours, and it's not complete. Does anyone have some super awesome suggestions on an EASY way to get rid of this shit. I think what I'll have to do if remove all of it, and strip it in the garage. Otherwise, this will take 3 years between naps. Can't really have a heat gun around toddlers.
Today was GREAT. I stayed up last night working (I'm not a freak, I just had some attention issues during the day, and used my free time at midnight to do what I didn't get done at 2 in the afternoon) I also stayed up CAUSE I COULD, and to make sleeping in that much nicer.
And for those of you thus far lacking kidlets, I will say that there is nothing quite so nice as laying in bed and no one screaming "I'm HUNGRY NOW!" or screeching or banging or kicking or tickling their sister who has somehow caused her diaper to explode.
Bliss. Sweet Bliss. The only thing that would have made today better would have been beer or some hash I swear.
I went to the hardware store by myself, went to the mall by myself, and didn't have to buy anyone anything. Sadly, the "DADDY NEEDS COFFEE!" cup was gone that I was gonna get the Dorf, but ah well. Got Granny a little thingy "from the girls" Despite the bug 50% off sign on the shelf, the little pudwapper tried to tell me it wasn't on sale. Idiot. I don't care if there is not stamp, if there is a big sign on the shelf, and all these figurines of a certain make are on said shelf, it's YOUR problem.
Thankfully, she opted to give me the discount before I even had to argue. What I did find rather irritating, and have been finding so lately, was how she immediately assumed I was only going to buy something on sale.
This has been occuring a lot lately. IN a nutshell, I have gained about 50 pounds in the last year and a half since having Rosalyn. Mostly, it's been because I still haven't adjusted to not smoking, and I eat all the time. I'm working on it. But this ends with me looking rather slovenly a lot of the time (even 6 sizes smaller, I have a body not made for clothing) and add in the whatever is wrong with my brain, I usually find myself not giving a flying feck. In essence, I look like shit.
But lately, everywhere I go, people are pointing out the "sale" or the "cheaper" items for me like I'm some sort of broke leper. Despite your beer prices being fucking retarded ye new irish pub, I can still afford a pint of Clancy's thank you very much...It's insulting.
I worked retail for years, and one of the cardinal rules my father instilled is that you NEVER know who someone is based on their appearance. And I've seen it many times. And so I have always treated people the same, and followed their lead. Me staring at your beer list did not mean I'm on welfare-it means you have a good beer list asshat. Me wanting something possibly on sale might have something to do with the fact that half the goddammed store was on sale.
The differences in how I've been treated since gaining weight are incredible. I'm still the same person, but apparently, I'm suddenly broke. Yet another reason to finally start losing weight.
And I went on a walk/jog this morning. And it SUCKED BALLS. I can't freaking breathe! When will my lungs loosen the fuck up? They're like catholic school boys I swear...
Anyway, the tribe will likely be home soon (they better, sine I don't want the girls climbing the walls when they get back) and I want a shower.
And am I the only one who thinks Brokeback Mountain is a wee bit overfreakingrated? Ledger was great, but man, I never thought that movie would end...
I loved Brokeback but I walked in expecting to.
The second time around I might focus more on the draggy parts (there were some).
Hooray for kidless days.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:22 p.m.
You know, every time I go to buy something, I'm treated like shit. And I have money. But I don't dress up or anything.
It's irritating.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:49 p.m.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! When I first looked at that picture, I wasn't looking so hard, and I swear it looked like a sunset over the ocean. Dang, that's a lot of paint!
That's really sad about the differences in the way you're treated when you're thin versus when you're fat. I've never been "thin" but I've never been "fat", either (though heavier than I'd like but that's another story).
I felt the same way about Crash that you do about Brokeback Mtn. I haven't seen the latter, yet, but on the former...OMG, totally cliche (though made me think, I'll agree).
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:33 p.m.
Terms from this post that I'll soon rip off:
1) kidlets
2) feck
Wow, so your net worth is directly associated with your net weight?? NEVER woulda guessed!
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:42 p.m.
Holy crap!
When I moved into my first home I had to take down wallpaper. 5 layers of it, and the bottom layer was painted OVER it.
I do not envy you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:59 p.m.
Good for you for jogging! If I can get a better bra, I hope to keep at it. Right now, it's not working too well. lol
And ick on all the colors man. Brutal
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:45 p.m.